Hey everyone! Just wanted to go over some the features that can be used in this forum. In some ways it has many of the features you may be used to using already in many sites like #hastags and you can also mention users by using the @ symbol. As an example @Micah Laplante
As you can see I have just used a paragraph divider. Pretty handy when you are writing a bit of a longer article. Which also brings up another cool feature. These forum posts are essentially mini web articles that google also uses and references when people search for the topic you're writing about. So well written articles posted here can actually gain you some recognition from google! Nifty!
You can also share downloadable files directly to the post
This should work with most types of media formats. Including audio of course.
You can also add pictures and video links to your youtube channel! Pictures can be a great way to tie in info to your articles. And give context to your post when people are scrolling through the forum.

And of course, yes, you can use giff's.

Hope this post was helpful! And if you have any questions feel free to ask me below!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Awesome! Thank you for this.